Konstantin Tolstikhin

St. Petersburg, Russia k.tolstikhin@gmail.com constt

Hi, I am a backend software developer working mainly on RESTful API services from design to deployment. Also, I like to develop applications which employ machine learning algorithms. Though I have experience in developing desktop GUI applications, I am a GNU/Linux guy and prefer to use CLI rather than GUI pretty much everywhere. That's why I am nowhere near to be a good interface designer and do a better job when working on backends... Whoosh (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚


Irkutsk State Technical University

Dipl.-Ing. (5-year degree, equiv. MSc)
Robots and Robotic Systems
Jun 2008 | Irkutsk, Russia


  • Machine Learning by Andrew Ng
  • Introduction to Machine Learning, 100% (Yandex School of Data Analysis)
  • Machine Learning Foundations: A Case Study Approach, 92.6% (University of Washington)
  • R Programming, 100% (Johns Hopkins University)
  • The Data Scientist’s Toolbox, 94.7% (Johns Hopkins University)
November 2014 - October 2015



Backend Developer
  • Design and development of REST & gRPC services.
December 2023 - Present


Backend Developer
  • Designed and developed from the ground up a backend for a call center web application.
  • Set up and maintained a GitLab CI/CD pipeline for the development, testing, and production environments of the project.
  • Made the app stack observable by using Prometheus & Grafana.
  • Implemented REST API integration with third-party services like MANGO OFFICE , Kaiten , and mindbox used by the application.
May 2022 - September 2023

Technical University of Berlin

Full Stack Developer
  • Worked on an open-source INSYSTED platform used to support lecturers in creating, playing, and sharing serious games.
  • Developed front- and backend of the platform.
  • Developed and tested game core algorithms.
July 2020 - February 2021

adjust GmbH

Backend Developer
  • Developed and maintained REST API services.
January 2020 - May 2020

Startup in Retail Business Automation

Software Developer
  • Was responsible for R&D of computer vision algorithms.
  • Developed and deployed REST API servers.
  • Deployed and managed a GitLab CI/CD pipeline.
  • Developed and tuned PID controllers for hardware drivers.
November 2018 - December 2019


Software Developer
  • Developed from the ground up an iOS application ed2watcher and maintained it up to 1.6 version. Also, actively participated in the development of a backend side of the project and remarkably reduced a deployment hassle by moving the entire infrastructure to the Docker platform.
  • Worked on desktop and web applications used for document exchange with the Federal Custom Service in Russia.
  • Involved in the design and deployment of the company's website.
August 2017 - November 2018


Software Developer
  • Worked on the classification and clustering of scanned pages.
  • Involved in R&D of core OCR algorithms.
November 2016 - February 2017


Software Developer
  • Developed desktop applications for JSC Irkut Corporation and CJSC Aviastar-SP (Aviation plants in Russia).
  • Developed face detection and recognition MVP pipelines.
  • Worked on CNN/CNN-RNN deep image captioning algorithms.
  • Developed and deployed REST API servers, web crawlers, and Telegram bots.
  • Worked with REST APIs provided by AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
April 2017 - June 2018 June 2021 - May 2022


University of Kassel, Institute of Materials Engineering (Kassel, Germany)

Research Assistant

During my stay in Kassel, I had great luck to be a part of a research team led by Prof. Scholtes at the Institute of Materials Engineering. I worked on a stable numerical method which is used to accurately evaluate residual stresses in thin films from measurement results obtained by a grazing incidence X-Ray diffraction.


Tolstikhin, K. and Scholtes, B. (2016) An approach to solving an ill-posed inverse problem of residual stress depth profiling in thin films and compact solid materials, J. Appl. Cryst, Vol. 49, pp. 1141-1147.

June 2009 - December 2013


Here is a list of programming languages and frameworks I use at work and in my pet projects.

Programming Languages

Python & a tiny bit of Go

Web Development & Deployment

FastAPI • Flask • Gunicorn • uWSGI • MySQL • PostgreSQL • MongoDB • Celery • Redis • RabbitMQ • Kafka • NGINX • Træfik • Docker Compose & Swarm • gRPC • Twirp • GitLab CI/CD • proxmox

Computer Vision & Machine Learning

Keras • scikit-learn • scikit-image • hyperopt • OpenCV • Pillow • NumPy • SciPy • pandas • gensim • NLTK • Tesseract

Desktop Applications

PyQt/PySide • Tkinter



I am happily married; I live with my wife and two lovely daughters... and there are also pets (^..^)ノ ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ around. I love to spend my free time with my family outdoors fooling around with kids or enjoying picnics. Also, I like reading books a lot and playing back porch couch delta blues on my parlor guitar.

Just-for-fun stuff

I made a simple text-to-speech (Russian & English) service "robovoice" which also provides a Telegram bot. Give it a try :)